Educational material Covid-19

Our school teacher Ms. Argyri Panagiota has started a series of educational activities about Covid-19. Here we are presenting them to you:

Our classroom is away from us but we can bring it close to us by exploiting the new technologies? affordances on distance learning and through up-to-date and important issues create incentives for learning and exploitation of knowledge we teach in the national curriculum, even with our schools closed. In the Panhellenic School Network, Ms. Argyri created the digital community Εκπαιδευτικό υλικό για Covid-19 , where will be uploaded all the teaching scenarios about the pandemic Covid-19 connected with the subjects of the national curriculum, as well as the students? projects on them.

By exploiting the digital tools on distance teaching and learning of the European project Golab, she created the learning space in Greek Μαθηματική επιδρομή Covid-19 στην παγκόσμια κοινότητα.
Free access to the lesson: . Students can work by distance on the Learning Space.

The objective of this lesson is to highlight the mathematical knowledge so that students can understand how a virus/contagious disease spread in a population. Through this lesson, it is justified with the use of maths how important prevention measures are. Mathematics confirms the measures of personal and social responsibility that we must all take. Math modelling (algebraic and graphic), in combination with the statistical processing of the global data, constitutes an important mathematical tool of the global community for the taking of measures against the spread of the virus. This lesson answers the questions: How does a virus spread in a population? Which factors and in what way do they affect the speed and the width of the spread? The creation of math models is a process with various limitations and it cannot replace the natural evolution of the diseases, the epidemics or the evolution of a population. This lesson is an opportunity to understand real situations with the help of math tools (functions). A distance learning lesson has already been realised with B3 class (εξ αποστάσεως διδασκαλία με το τμήμα Β3), whose students? interest and response gives motivation to Ms. Argyri for the realisation of the same lesson to other classes as well.  

In the near future, a teleconference about the interdisciplinary approach of the Covid-19 issue will be held by our school Greek Language and Literature teacher Mrs. Maria Papadopoulou and our mathematician Ms. Panagiota Argyri. The topic is: Pandemic: History teaches us. Mathematics interprets.

Last but not least, it has been uploaded on the learning community a creative project of the C? class students Askouni Anastasia and Doulopoulou Elissavet entitled ?Modelling epidemics?, which was realised during the school year 2018-19 under the supervision of Ms. Argyri, and it is very up-to-date now, due to the conditions we live in.