Evangeliki Model High School of Smyrna’s Vice-Principal Dr. Panagiota Argyri, after being invited, participated in the Summer School of the project funded by the European Union “Natural Based Solutions Educational Network NBS EduWORLD”, which was organized by the Hellenic-German Education in Greece.
In the summer school, initiatives and good practices “of solutions based on nature” (NBS -Natural Based Solutions) were studied, so as to help students develop knowledge, skills and attitudes that promote ways of thinking, design and action with empathy, responsibility and care for the planet and the public health, on the basis of GreenComp –European framework of skills for the sustainability, pedagogic and methodological approaches for the incorporation of NBS issues in the national curricula.
The visit in the botanic garden constitutes a typical case study, where were studied the benefits and the practical potential of the “green initiatives”.
Evangeliki Model High School of Smyrna participates in the pilot implementation of innovative actions and initiatives in the framework of the European project NBS EduWORD. During the seminar were developed action plans, including the strategic development, the completion of the national curriculum, the innovative pedagogic approaches, the engagement of the community and the collaboration with other schools.
In the Summer School was also invited our school Principal Ms. Antigoni Laskaridou, but due to the school administrative work, she could not participate. Nevertheless, she participates actively in the plan of the NBS interventions both inside and outside the school and she supports the professional development of the school teachers.
We also hope for the collaboration and support of institutions of the local community, of the Parents and Custodians’ Association and of the Alumni Association, so that the family of Evangeliki School of Smyrna realizes in the school premises initiatives “of solutions based on nature”.