The maths teacher Ms. Panagiota Argyri and the English teacher Mrs. Eirini Arnaouti of Evangeliki Model School of Smyrna attended the in-service training seminar entitled “Theory and Practice of Serious Games & Gamification” in Helsinki, Finland, and in Tallinn, Estonia, from 22 until 28 April 2018. The course was offered by “Euneos Corporation”. For the application and dissemination of the acquired knowledge, they have realized the following activities:
1. Ms. Panagiota Argyri, by applying the seminar teaching principles, designed a lesson about the use of Triseum Variant Limits digital educational game for the lesson of mathematics in the B’ Class of the High School and she conducted it in a group of B’ class students of the school on 11 May 2018. The lesson was attended by other maths teachers of our school. The lesson plan follows: Teaching Mathematics via Educational Games
She also designed lessons on the use of «Triseum: Variant Limits» computer game in the teaching of mathematics. These teaching scenarios are posted on the Future Classroom Lab portal:
Triseum games ? reaching the infinite:
Law of Limits:
Approaching the concept of Limits of Functions:
She then presented these teaching scenarios, along with the conclusions from their implementation, in a training seminar organized by the European Schoolnet on 12 September 2018 in Brussels, Belgium. You can see here the training seminar programme and Ms. Argyri’s presentation.
Panagiota Argyri-ΚΑ1
This training seminar was followed by a Tweet Chat entitled “Educational games development: what challenges and perspectives?” on the 19th September 2018 at 17:00 (CET). You can find attached screen shots of the chat refering to the afore mentioned teaching scenarios and to the relevant in-service training seminar she attended within the framework of this Erasmus+KA1 project.
2. Mrs. Eirini Arnaouti, by applying the seminar teaching principles, designed and implemented, in collaboration with the school Chemistry teacher Mrs. Chrysi Aggelidou, a creative cross-curricular project entitled ?Creation of Taboo Board Game about Biochemistry themes in the English Language?, which was realised by a group of the B? Class of Evangeliki Model High School of Smyrna during April-May 2018. The last lesson, which consisted of the project presentation, was attended by teachers and students of our school on 22 May 2018. The project plan follows in the Greek language: Παιγνιώδης μάθηση - ετεροπαρατήρηση
3. Mrs. Eirini Arnaouti, in collaboration with Mrs. Chrysi Aggelidou, realized a cross-curricular project entitled “Creation of Board Games about Biochemistry themes in the English Language” in the framework of the subjects of “Biology” and “English” in the B’ Class in Evangeliki Model High School of Smyrna during the spring semester of the school year 2017-2018. You can see the students’ creations of the Creative and Cross-curricular projects here.
4. Ms. Panagiota Argyri and Mrs. Eirini Arnaouti, in collaboration with teachers from other European countries that participated in this seminar, made a post with a video regarding the importance of their training on the STEM Discovery Week 2018 blog. The post and the video can be visited on the following addresses: A relevant post was also made on the European Schoolnet facebook account:
5. Ms. Panagiota Argyri made posts on the STEM Discovery Week 2018 blog regarding this training seminar before leaving (see here) and after returning and implementing game-based learning in her teaching practice (see here). Furthermore, she realised two relevant webinars; the first one entitled “It?s a game changer!” on Scientix portal (see here) and the second one entitled “Game-based learning in the classroom research: validating Variant: Limits?” on Future Classroom Lab portal.
6. Mrs. Eirini Arnaouti, in collaboration with Mrs. Chrysi Aggelidou, ex-Chemistry teacher of our school, made a presentation entitled “Creation of Board Games with Biochemistry themes in the English Language” about the implementation of game-based learning principles in the 4th International Conference for the Promotion of Educational Innovation, held in Larissa, Greece, on 12-14 October 2018. You can find attached the conference programme and the presentation PowerPoint in Greek.
Παρουσίαση Χ.Αγγελίδου-Ε.Αρναούτη
The presentation paper was published in Greek in the conference proceedings (Aggelidou, C. & Arnaouti, Ε. (13 October 2018). Presentation entitled ?Making Board Games on Biochemistry in the English Language? in the 4th International Conference for the Promotion of Educational Innovation, Larissa, Greece, 12-14 October 2018, Vol. D?, pp. 32-36).