The photography director Mr. Panagiotis Kleidaras in our school Club

For the second consecutive year, the Photography Director Mr. Panagiotis Kleidaras visited the Clubs of Cinematic Education of our school and talked to our students.

In an experiential and interactive way, our guest took our Clubs’ students on a journey in the universe of the moving image through his own journey in the world of the 7th art. Highlighting the social and humanitarian approach of various themes through the films, he offered us a sensitive perspective in the approach of each story that is projected on the big screen, through the passion, lyricism and poetic mood that should characterize the cinematographer but also through the philosophy he/she adopts.

Mr. Kleidaras showed to us photographs that express the way in which the photographer perceives the world and insisted on the personal and unique perspective of the artist; he also showed us videos that unite the sensitive world of the protagonists with their spectators.

The teachers in charge of the Clubs Mrs. Eirini Arnaouti and Mr. Sotirios Kollias deeply thank Mr. Kleidaras that offered inspiration to our students and opened new paths for useful thinking and creative mood.