Launching of an Erasmus+KA120 project in our school

During the current school year 2024-2025, the implementation of the Erasmus+ European Project ΚΑ120 begins in our school, since our school applied for and received the Accreditation by the national agency of the program the previous school year.

The project, lasting three years (2024-2027), aims to improve three objectives:

  1. Development of innovative teaching practices: Improving creativity in the educational process
  2. Enhancing democratic consciousness: Awareness of the value of democracy and participation in democratic processes
  3. Improving environmental awareness: Awareness of environmental problems and actions to deal with them

According to the plan, this year teachers from our school will attend training courses in foreign institutions and/or will do job shadowing in schools of other European countries. Then, they will train the rest of the school teachers and participate in actions to disseminate the results, while at the same time they will create teaching scenarios and educational material for implementation in the classroom.

The project is co-funded by the European Union.