2nd prize for the film of the Club of Cinema Education “The Falling Stones” in the category High Schools – Fiction Film in the 14th In-ternational Student Competition of Short Films Did you study…cinema?? 2023-2024

We are delighted to announce that the two-year work of the students of the Club of Cinematic Education on the short film entitled “The Falling Stones” met its goal since their film won the 2nd prize in the category High School – Fiction Film in the 14th International Student Competition of Short Films Did you study…cinema?? 2023-2024. You can watch the film here in Greek: https://youtu.be/byzNyf_CYzg

The film is dedicated to the victims of the train accident in Tempi on 28/02/2023 and it deals with the sensitive relationships in a Greek family and how they are affected by this train accident. More precisely, Artemis, who is a Pharmaceutics student in Thessaloniki, goes to Athens to visit her family for the long weekend of Ash Monday. In her house, though, there is tension focusing on her father’s reaction, as he doesn’t approve of his teenage son’s choice to professionally work on music. And while the characters look like stones in free fall, Artemis returns to Thessaloniki with the fatal train.

The competition winners will be awarded their prizes in a special ceremony that will be held in Michalis Kakogiannis Foundation in the autumn of 2024.

Congratulations to all the participants, who worked with consistency, will, passion and joy, sacrificing lots of hours from their free time to complete their creation!

The teachers in charge of the Club of Cinematic Education

Sotirios Kollias (Religious Education Teacher)

Eirini Arnaouti (English Teacher)