“Playing Europe” in the CASE & GSO4SCHOOL Conference

The 1st dissemination event of our “Playing Europe” Erasmus+KA229 project is a fact! Our project has gone online these days and it is presented with a poster and a recorded presentation in the CASE & GSO4SCHOOL Conference, held online on 1-3 December 2020. 

The poster is based on the approved application of the project, so its authors are the teachers of the four European schools who worked on the application-writing, i.e. from our school, Dr. Eirini Arnaouti, English teacher and contact person of the project, and Ms. Panagiota Argyri, Mathematician.

You can see our poster and watch the recorded presentation here.

Our teachers’ workshop in a Panhellenic Conference

On Sunday 15/11/2020 our school teachers Dr. Chrysi Aggelidou, Chemistry teacher, and Dr. Eirini Arnaouti, English teacher, conducted a workshop entitled “Shall we play with Biology in English?” in the 1st Panhellenic Conference-The educational game in formal and non-formal education.

The Conference was organised by the School Life and Education Museum, the Laboratory for Research on Early Childhood Psychopedagogy, the Department of Education and Care in Early Childhood of the University of West Attica, the Greek Cultural Institute and the Metropolitan College and it was held on 14-15/11/2020 online, due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Participation of our school teachers in the 6th International Conference for the Promotion of Educational Innovation

Our school headmaster Dr.Christos Fanidis and our school teachers Dr. Eirini Arnaouti with Mr. Georgios Thodis and Dr.Chrysi Aggelidou with Mrs. Christina Papadaki participated with presentations in the 6th International Conference for the Promotion of Educational Innovation organised by EEPEK academic association. The conference was realised online on 16-18 October 2020. 

The title of the headmaster Dr.Christos Fanidis’ presentation was “Students discover Mathematics, Physics, Informatics and develop technical skills through the CanSat project of space robotics” and was based on the work of the school Robotics Club’s participants that have been distinguished in the CanSat space robotics competition in the last few years. His online presentation is available on: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vVlUibUL-Js&feature=youtu.be.

The title of Dr.Eirini Arnaouti and Mr.Georgios Thodis’ presentation was “Creating a digital archive and a digital documentary in an inter-disciplinary project of the High School”, which was the result of a project realised with students of the high school of Evangeliki during the school year 2018-2019. The results of the project were also sent to the 1st Greek Educational RadioTelevision competition ?Your history, is your town?s history? for the High School category, where they won a Distinction. Their online presentation is available on: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xCU_50hhXk0&feature=youtu.be

The title of Dr.Chrysi Aggelidou and Mrs.Christina Papadaki’s presentation was “Miro through the microscope” and was based on an inter-disciplinary project realised with students of the secondary school of Evangeliki during the school year 2018-2019. Their online presentation is available on:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xK36arMIe3I&feature=youtu.be .

Our student?s article in the CIE 2020 international conference

Congratulations to our student Bariampa Richard, who presented his article ?Youth, new technologies and Informatics. The re-generation of a library? in the 12th Conference on Informatics in Education (CIE) 2020.

The article deals with the creation of the software Open School Library Lite (OSLL) that can support online the function of any school library and will support this school year our school library as well. You can watch the presentation of the article here.

The Headmaster

Participation of our school teachers in the 7th Panhellenic Conference of ?Neos Paidagogos?

Our school teachers Aggelidou Chrysi and Karimali Evangelia participated with presentations in the 7th Panhellenic Conference organised by ?Neos Paidagogos? academic association.

The titles of their presentations were ?Using ?bath bombs? for the experimental study of chemical kinetics: A teaching suggestion for the Covid-19 special conditions? and ?Towards a phenomenological teaching of literary texts: From theory to practice? respectively. Both presentations were the result of actions realised with students of the secondary and high school of Evangeliki during the school year 2019-2020.

The conference was realised online on 18-19 September 2020. The online presentations can be found on:


Participation of our school teachers in the one-day seminar about Greek language subjects

The Greek Language and Literature teachers of our school Georgios Thodis, Evangelia Karimali and Maria Papadopoulou made a presentation in the one-day seminar entitled ?Distance teaching practices in the Greek Language subjects?, organised by the 4th Regional Centre of Educational Design and the Coordinators of Educational Work for the Greek Language teahers Mrs. Angeliki Chronopoulou and Mr. Nikolaos Linardos.

The presentation title was ?The perception of antiquity by the poets of the generation of the 1930s: an online action in the lockdown period? realised with students of Evangeliki Model School of Smyrna during the school year 2019-2020.

The one-day seminar was realised online on Saturday 10 October 2020.

Our school teacher?s presentation in a Panhellenic Conference

?Peer observation and peer evaluation in the introduction of a cognitive and methodological innovation in the B? Class Modern Greek Language subject in a Model High School? is the title of the presentation made by the Greek Language and Literature teacher Kalypso N. Lazou-Balta in the 4th Panhellenic Conference  entitled ?Education in the 21st century: Education & Culture?, organised on 10-12 May 2019 in Athens College by the aforementioned college in collaboration with the Museum of School Life and Education and the Hellenic Educational Society.

The presentation analyses the content of an one-session teaching of Modern Greek in B? Class, which the teacher offered to the school teachers for peer observation and mentions the comments of the other teachers, who evaluated the educational innovation (methodological and cognitive), which emerge from the statistical processing of the peer observation form handed out to them.

The peer observation activity was organised within the framework of the dissemination of Ms. Lazou-Balta?s training in Finland and Estonia, in April 2018, during her participation in an Erasmus+ KA1 project.

The teaching scenario was based on an autobiographical note, of the chapter on Kinds of Biography (pp.91-103 of the Modern Greek Language school book). The teaching aimed at the completion of the autobiographical note by the B1 Class students of Evangeliki Model High School of Smyrna, with the use of individual consultancy tools. Role-play and collaboration were applied with the involvement of the peer observing teachers in the student teams. The teachers played the role of the ?important others? in their students? lives. An experiential workshop was created, in which every Consulting Student used the ?Questionnaire of Personal Beliefs for the Exploration of Professional Perspectives? that was completed by three ?Important Others?, i.e. three persons that highly influence his development and the formation of his personality. These three persons are a friend, a teacher of his choice and a parent, played by a classmate. The Consulting Student then evaluated the validity of the answers he received and incorporated the ones he accepted as real in his autobiographical note, which he composed according to the European autobiographical note template (Europass).

The in-school peer observation form was designed by the Pedagogy Sector of the Department of Philosophy, Pedagogy and Psychology of the School of Philosophy of the NKUA and was implemented in the peer evaluation realised by the Model and Experimental Schools in 2014. The no.7 question was added by the school mathematicians Sotirios D. Chasapis and Alkiviadis G. Tzelepis, when they were observed themselves. These colleagues made use of the same form in the Algebra Laboratory that has been running in the school for the eighth school year now, as well as in the peer observation they organised for the dissemination of the training where they participated during the Erasmus+ KA1 project entitled ?The European innovation as a training subject of the Greek education staff?, in which the school teachers participated during the school year 2017-2018.

Creation of our school students in the 4th Panhellenic Conference ?Education in the 21st century: School and Culture?

Our school teacher during the school year 2015-2016 Mrs. Antigoni Laskaridou made a presentation entitled ?Student Competition of Historical Documentary? in the 4th Panhellenic Conference ?Education  in the 21st century: School and Culture? held in Athens College on 10-12/05/2019  (Link to the conference proceedings: http://www.ekedisy.gr/praktika-4ou-synedrioy/).

In her presentation she presented the historical documentary creation entitled ?The grocer?s daughter? and an international recipe? made by the students of the A? Class elective module of ?Greek and European Civilization? of the school year 2015-16 that she was teaching.

The documentary was a critical approach of an important personality of the Modern European History, the Prime Minister of Great Britain Margaret Thatcher. The documentary included the interview of the Emeritus Professor in History of the NKUA Thanos Veremis. The objective of this creation was a combination of historical research and cinematic art.

The school students Athanasopoulou Vera, Karaousou Marina, Kolio Eleni, Kyriakidis Kyriakos, Kotis Georgios, Magnisalis Aggelos, Mavromichalis Stavros, Peraki Eirini and Tsekouras Georgios were the team members who worked on this innovative activity and won the 4th place, i.e. a distinction in the 3rd Panhellenic Pupil and Student Competition in Historical Documentary.

Eugenides Foundation offered the technical support for the documentary creation.

Congratulations to the ex-school students of Evangeliki Model High School of Smyrna and current university students!

Participation in the 6th European Student Conference in Venice, Italy

Evangeliki Model High School of Smyrna participated with an 18-member group in the 6th European Student Conference organized in Venice, Italy, from 29 November until 2 December 2019, entitled ?History meets Arts, Letters and Technology: The Man and his itinerary from Renaissance to the modern civilized world?.

More precisely, the A? Class students Askounis Apostolos, Kantartzis Spyridon, Karava Christina, Kasfiki Athanasia-Eirini, Kouroukli Alexandra, Kouroukli Anna, Koritou Foteini-Evangelia, Koroniou Maria, Kostaridi Stavroula, Marinou Melina, Mariolis-Sapsakos Dimitrios, Baka Alexandra, Bethani Eleni, Oikonomopoulou Nancy, Petridis Nikitas, Stefanidis Prodromos, Tzelepis Konstantinos-Iakovos and Tsirigotaki Myrto, accompanied by their teachers Mr. Thodis Georgios and Mrs. Arnaouti Eirini, successfully presented their paper entitled ?The contribution of Universities and typography in the dissemination of the Renaissance spirit and the creation of the contemporary European civilization?.