Distinctions in the Panhellenic Physics Competition ?Aristoteles 2018?

The School Principal and the School Teachers congratulate the students of the B? Class of our High School on their distinction in the Panhellenic Physics Competition:
Christos-Aggelos Konidas (2nd prize, 14th place out of 749 participants)
Panagiotis Papadopoulos (2nd prize, 16th place)
Athanasios Fokaidis-Psyllas (honorable mention, 56th place)
Konstantinos Safos (honorable mention, 59th place)

We also wish to congratulate the students of the A? Class of our High School on their distinction in the same competition:
Achilleas Zorzos (3rd prize, 47th place among 2,100 participants)
Stefanos Xasteroulias (honorable mention, 77th place)

It is also noted that this year our student from the C? Class Georgios Kotis was also distinguished in the same competition (45th place).

Success in the Panhellenic Chemistry Student Competition for the B? High School Class

We congratulate our student Athanasios Fokaidis-Psyllas on his 5th place in the Panhellenic Chemistry Competition (1611 participants).

Athanasios will be awarded a prize for his achievement by the Greek Chemists? Association and will participate in the National Team that will represent Greece in the Chemistry Olympiad!

We also want to congratulate eight more of our students who were among the 16% of the highest scores: Christos Aggelos Konidas, Chrysoula Panigyraki, Maria Perra, Dimitris Paizis-Radoicovic, Isavella Papadopoulou, Alexandros Georgoulias, Ariadne Skopeliti and Daphne-Georgia Psaraki.

Moreover, congratulations to their teacher Dr. Christodoulos Makedonas for the knowledge he offers them and the love for chemistry he has transmitted to them.

The School Principal

Success in the last stage of the 30th Panhellenic Informatics Competition

The School Principal and the School Teachers congratulate the students Charilaos Pipis, Evangelos Pipis and Kristian Safta.

Evangelos Pipis and Charilaos Pipis got the 1st and 2nd place respectively in the third and fourth stage of the 30th Panhellenic Informatics Competition and will represent Greece in the next Informatics Olympiad.

Kristian Safta got the 29th place on a national level.

Congratulations to our students because we know that their distinction is the result of very hard work!

Second place in the Panhellenic Competition CanSat In Greece!

For the second year, the student team of Evangeliki Model High School ?Polyclitus? got the second place in the space science competition CanSat In Greece.


The students were awarded their prize by the Dean of the Electrical Engineering Department of the National Technical University of Athens, Professor Nektarios Kozyris.

The team members were:

From A? Class: Margaritis Christos, Pipis Evangelos

From B? Class: Petropoulakis Michail, Raptopoulos Petros, Konidas Christos Aggelos, Papanikolopoulos Gerasimos, Tsakonas Georgios, Tsakonas Vasileios, Papadopoulos Panagiotis, Fokaidis ? Psyllas Athanasios, Soulantikas Georgios.

Team leader was the C? Class student Charilaos Pipis and supervising teachers Ms. Sofia Gourna and Mr. Christos Fanidis.

This is the second consecutive year that the competition CanSat In Greece was organised. Our last year?s team also got the 2nd place in the same Panhellenic competition for the school year 2016 ? 2017 (http://www.corallia.org/el/si-news/si-cluster-news/3804-cansat-in-greece.html).

This year?s team was selected among the 10 that finally participated (https://goo.gl/Rggimd) in the Panhellenic competition 2017 ? 2018 among 36 teams that applied on a national level. The selection was made according to the originality of the mission and the feasibility of its realisation in the framework of a student competition.

CanSat In Greece is the national preliminary competition for the participation in the corresponding European competition organised by ESA (European Space Agency).

CanSat  is a space science competition, where the participating teams have to construct an original satellite in the size of a can. This satellite has to be launched at the height of 1000 metres and during its descent, it has to commit a mission that students design and realize on their own, along with a compulsory mission, determined by the organisers.

Both missions focused on data collection by using electronic sensors and their radio-transmission to the base station on the ground. Both the base station and the satellite are controlled by an Arduino microprocessor. The whole design and realization follows the modern teaching approach of STEM (Science Technology Engineering Mathematics).

For the final score, two intermediary controls through a Skype interview with the students, two construction reports and the critics? final score were taken into consideration.

We thank Abbott Hellas Laboratories, our school Parents and Custodians? Association and ?The Drag Store? company for the construction of the carbon fiber shield.

Here you can see some photographs of the whole project:

Winning of an award in the ?Make your own seismograph? competition

The ?Make your own seismograph? competition (seismografos.ea.gr/) was organised by the Institute of Geodynamics of the National Observatory of Athens in collaboration with Ellinogermaniki Agogi, in the framework of the European project Open Schools for Open Societies (grant agreement No.741572) with the support of the European project OpenAIRE-Advanced (grant agreement No.777541). In this competition, students? projects from the ?European paths in the Knowledge of Sciences? after-school club, supervised by their teacher Ms. Argyri Panagiota, were chosen by the scientific committee among the best ones.

The students in charge of the seismograph-making project with the use of Arduino and software of data registering were Margaritis Christos and Karaoglanis Christos.


The students Fragkaki Theodora and Stamatiadi Sofia were in charge of making an original seismograph with simple materials.

Other students who participated in the project were: Protonotariou Eleni, Theodoratou Evangelia, Zotou Elissavet, Drakoulakou Georgia, Gourgouletis Nikolaos, Giappas Charalambos, Avgerinou Aikaterini, Gkogiannos Iosif and Tsironis Christos, who worked on other aspects of the project, since among the competition criteria, apart from the seismograph-making, were also the scientific study of the earthquake phenomenon, issues of citizens? protection and earthquakes facing.

The group of the aforementioned students successfully worked and submitted rich material of presentations, articles, creative artefacts concerning the antiseismic constructions and original studies on a local level.

The students? teams of all schools who were distinguished in the competition were awarded a prize in a special ceremony organised in Athens Science Festival 2018 on Friday 27 April 2018.


Our school students were awarded a prize by the President of the Greek Physicists? Association, Mr. Filntisis.

The President of the Hellenic Republic, Mr. Prokopios Pavlopoulos, also honoured the event with his presence and his speech.

After the end of the ceremony, students presented their works in a specially designed place.

Congratulations to our students and their teacher!

Students? success in the Panhellenic Informatics Competition 2018 (B? and C? Stages)

Students succeeding in B? Stage:


Students succeeding in the C? Stage:

Evangelos Pipis and Charilaos Pipis were first among the succeeding students of the competition C? Stage and will attend the preparation camp for the forming of the National Informatics Teams.

Congratulations to all!

Student?s distinction in literature competition

The student of the A? High School class Romanos Petridis won the C? prize in the 6th Literature Competition of Adolescent Short Story and Poetry ?Grigoris Pentzikis? for his short story ?The boy with the bullet? on the High School level.

Congratulations to him and to his teachers Karimali Evangelia, Michalakopoulou Georgia and Thodis Georgios.

The School Headmaster and the Teachers

Distinction of our students in the Greek Student Parliament for Science 2018

The Greek Association of Journalists, Authors and Communication Specialists of Science ?Science View? organised this year for the third time the ?Greek Student Parliament for Science 2018? in collaboration with the Institute of Geodynamics and the private school ?Ellinogermaniki Agogi?.

This year?s subject was ?Earthquakes: Exploring the contemporary achievements, the future challenges and the expectations in relation to education, facing and prevention?.

The students Avgerinou, A., Gourgouletis, N., Zotou, E., Drakoulakou, G., Theodoratou, E., Karaoglanis, C., Protonotariou, E., Fragkaki, T., Stamatiadi, S. of the ?European Knowledge Paths in Sciences?  club in charge of the teacher Ms. Argyri Panagiota participated in the event.

Around 80 students from 10 different schools participated in total. The club students (like all the rest of the participants) were divided in 3 subgroups and prepared 3 subunits: ?Education?, ?Facing?, ?Prevention?.

The plenary of the participants chose (with secret vote) 6 students ? 2 per subunit ? to represent Greece in the European Student Parliament for Science.

The European Student Parliament for Science is organised with the initiative of the German Science Community ?Science in Dialogue? (?Wissenschaft im Dialog?) and this year?s subject is ?The future of mobility? and it will take place in collaboration with the Euroscience Open Forum ? ESOF, in Toulouse, France, in July 2018 (9-14/7/2018).

3 out of the 6 representatives of Greece in the European Student Parliament for Science will be the students of our school:

1) Drakoulakou G. (Prevention)

2) Avgerinou A. (Facing)

3) Protonotariou E. (Education).

Congratulations to the students and their teacher who participated in the event!