Inter-school cooperation action

During the school year 2023-24, as part of the B Lyceum Geometry course, the students of the B2 section worked in groups on the following topics:

– Conceptual mapping of ‘paving mosaics’ (historical review)

– Investigation for examples of pavements in the plane by examining and analyzing their geometrical properties

– Utilization of digital tools for the paving design

– Connecting cobblestones from geometry with art and cultural heritage.

The inter-school cooperation action is an example of school networks. Networks are also an effective means of supporting innovation. In education, networks promote the dissemination of good practice and enhance the professional development of teachers. The added value for the student and educational community and the continuation in the next school year of such inter-school cooperation actions was also emphasized in its presentation by the Principal of Evangeliki Model High School of Smyrna, Mrs. Laskaridou.