Job shadowing and visit of the cinematographer Mr. Grigorios Stavropoulos in the Club of Cinematic Education

On Tuesday 9 April 2024 visited the Club of Cinematic Education two teachers from Institut Sabadell in Spain, within the framework of an Erasmus+ project job shadowing, which they realise in Evangeliki Model High School of Smyrna during the period 8-12 April 2024.

In the beginning of the meeting, the B’ class students presented their two-year work in the Club, which included introduction to the theory and practice of cinematic techniques, script-writing, the creation of a fiction short film and its submission to a student competition of short films.

Afterwards, the A’ class students presented the script they are working on this period, talked about the inspiration of the central concept and the messages the short film they want to create in the following school year aims to put across.

Since on that day we had the happiness and honour to have with us the cinematographer Mr. Grigorios Stavropoulos, Mr. Stavropoulos talked with the Club members and provided them with valuable feedback on their works. Then, he talked about the way and the techniques of old film restoration, fact that helped us travel in the cinema history, not only of our country but also of the whole Europe. With Mr. Stavropoulos we arranged to meet again in the following school year.

The Spanish teachers talked with the students, asked questions about the process of their works, then discussed with Mr. Stavropoulos about issues concerning the European cinema and at the end of the meeting, they left really satisfied from that constructive session.