Visit in the Hellenic Parliament

On Thursday 15 February the B’ class students that participate in the Journalism Action visited the Hellenic Parliament, where they had the chance to get a glimpse of the discussion and vοting of bills. More specifically, they sat in the balcony of the plenary room and attended part of the procedure of the parliamentary control.  In this procedure, a Parliament member of the opposition party posed a question to the Minister in charge regarding an issue that concerned the area where this Parliament member is elected and then the Minister answered the question. The students found the process very interesting and experienced the way in which decisions are made during the parliamentary procedure.

Then they were guided in “Eleftherios Venizelos” room, where it is hosted the exhibition entitled “Seeing Liberty: In the Hellenic Parliament two centuries later”. They saw important artworks and exhibits form the Revolution period and were informed about the history of the Parliament building. The guided tour was realized by Ms. Eleni Laskari, a member of the academic staff of the Foundation of the Hellenic Parliament, whom we thank very much.

The students were accompanied by the teachers in charge of the Journalism Action: Katerina Tsachtsarli and Dimitrios Kominos.