The new exhibit of the History Museum of the National Kapodistrian University of Athens

The History Museum of Athens University has got from today a new exhibit. It is the exhibit that was designed and realized by a team of our students and for which they were awarded a prize last year in the National Kapodistrian University of Athens competition “The Museum exhibits through the students’ eyes”.

The central theme of the exhibit is “the production of a medicine in the times of a pandemic and refers to the discovery of artemisinin that helps combating   malaria. The exhibit includes: (a) a tour in a virtual museum and a video entitled “artemisinin in ancient Rome”, (b) an electronic game, (c) a window with a 3D print of the chemical molecule of artemisinin and the museum exhibits that inspired our students, (d) a poster as well as relevant QR codes with further information.

We thank the person in charge of the Museum Ms. Tsitou for her help in the presentation of our exhibit.

Teachers in charge of the school project: Chrysi Angelidou, Panagiota Matthe, Christodoulos Makedonas

In the following link you can see the Museum announcement:

Some photographs follow!