Inter-scientific distance teaching approach: Pandemic: History teaches us? mathematics interprets

On Wednesday 01 April a common distance teaching was realized by the teachers Dr. Papadopoulou Maria, Greek Language and Literature teacher, and Ms. Argyri Panagiota, mathematician (Μ.Sc, M.Ed) in the classes Β2, Β3, Α1, Α3 of Evangeliki Model High School of Smyrna . It dealt with an inter-scientific approach of the issue of the pandemic Covid-19, which is plaguing the global community.

Based on the students? response and interest in the distance teaching on ?Mathematical invasion Covid-19 in the global community? (, the teachers wished to satisfy the students’ needs and responded by the extension of the issue study, so that the issue of pandemics throughout the centuries is studied and explored from multiple viewpoints.

Due to the current and unpleasant situation that the global community is facing, because of the pandemic Covid-19, it is important to be aware of the history events and sources in order to gain knowledge and information. Thanks to the past we can understand the present and we can draw conclusions on the basis of real data and scientific elements, which we compare and process, with the help of mathematical tools of statistics and mathematical modelling.

More precisely, the innovative teaching approach takes into consideration the diachronic framework of the global community?s pandemics, starting from Antonio?s plague ( 165 A.D.) and with a special mention in the Plague of Athens of the 5th century. The students process and analyse historical sources and texts, study maps and choose to process arithmetic data to find which are the mathematical models that combine elements of the past and the present and can be used to predict the spread of the diseases.

Basic research questions:

  • Applying the mathematical modelling, which is analyzed in the academic bibliography, on data concerning ancient Athens, can we see how they could slow down or stop the spread of the disease?
  • The other way round, with the use of mathematical tools can we adapt the situations described in the historical source to the real situations that Greece is experiencing due to Covid-19?

The teachers involved support innovation in education and mainly address the students? interests. Even by distance they all come close for the common study of the global issue. Humanities and Sciences have a common goal: To explain and justify the importance of the preventive measures!

The teaching material and the students? work in the Greek language: